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Declutter Your Mind, Declutter Your Finances: The Path to Financial Freedom through Mental Fitness

By: Shelley Johnson, CPA

When you think about decluttering, you might picture organizing your closet or clearing out the piles of paperwork on your desk. But when it comes to financial health, the process of decluttering has a deeper, more impactful meaning. Often, our financial struggles are not just the result of disorganized paperwork or scattered budgeting—more often, they stem from a cluttered mind. Decluttering your mind is the first step toward gaining clarity and control over your financial future.

The Connection Between Mental Clutter and Financial Disarray

Just like a cluttered room can make you feel overwhelmed, a cluttered mind filled with stress, anxiety, and negative self-talk can hinder your ability to make sound financial decisions. When your mind is overrun with distractions, it becomes difficult to prioritize tasks, plan effectively, and make informed decisions about your money.

Financial decluttering isn’t simply about organizing bills or setting up automatic payments; it’s about clearing the mental space required to take charge of your financial future with confidence. Achieving financial freedom begins with mental clarity. By decluttering your mind, you can start to focus on your financial goals, build better habits, and achieve a clearer path to success.

Enter Positive Intelligence: Building Mental Fitness for Financial Success

So, how do we go about decluttering our minds to boost our financial health? This is where the concept of Positive Intelligence (PQ) comes in. Developed by Shirzad Chamine, Positive Intelligence focuses on building mental fitness by recognizing and weakening self-sabotaging behaviors (known as Saboteurs) and strengthening positive, productive parts of the brain (known as the Sage). By increasing your mental fitness, you can develop the resilience, focus, and clarity needed to take control of your finances.

Let’s look at some key concepts from Positive Intelligence that can help you begin the journey of decluttering your mind and, in turn, decluttering your finances:

1. Identify Your Saboteurs

Saboteurs are those negative voices in your mind that create stress, anxiety, and doubt. They lead to procrastination, overspending, avoiding financial responsibilities, or making impulsive decisions. The first step to decluttering your mind is identifying these Saboteurs, such as the Judge, the Avoider, or the Hyper-Achiever. Becoming aware of these negative thought patterns allows you to start weakening their control over your decisions.

For example, the Judge might criticize you for past financial mistakes, making you feel like you're not capable of managing your money. The Avoider might lead you to ignore your budget or delay organizing your financial records. By recognizing these Saboteurs, you can take the first step toward freeing yourself from their influence.

2. Strengthen Your Sage

In Positive Intelligence, your Sage is the part of your brain that operates from a place of wisdom, calm, and positivity. By focusing on mental fitness exercises, such as mindfulness and reframing your thoughts, you can strengthen the Sage and start to replace negative thinking with positive, productive mindsets.

When it comes to your finances, the Sage helps you take ownership of your financial situation and make decisions based on your long-term goals rather than short-term impulses. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by your finances, you’ll begin to approach them with clarity and confidence.

3. Focus on What You Can Control

Mental clutter often comes from worrying about things beyond our control. Financial stress can arise from focusing on external factors, such as market fluctuations or economic uncertainty. Positive Intelligence teaches us to focus on what we can control and to reframe challenges as opportunities.

For example, instead of worrying about a volatile stock market, your Sage might prompt you to focus on building a diversified portfolio that withstands market changes. This shift in mindset empowers you to take proactive steps rather than remain paralyzed by fear.

4. Practice Mindfulness to Build Mental Resilience

Decluttering your mind requires regular mental fitness exercises. Positive Intelligence encourages short, daily practices—such as deep breathing, focusing on your senses, or engaging in self-reflection—that strengthen your mental resilience. By regularly practicing mindfulness, you train your brain to quiet the Saboteurs and operate from a place of calm, focus, and clarity.

When your mind is clear, you’ll be better equipped to handle financial tasks, from budgeting and saving to planning for long-term goals like retirement or investments. Mental resilience enables you to stay focused even when faced with financial challenges, helping you make decisions from a place of strength.

5. Set Clear Financial Goals with a Clear Mind

Once you’ve started decluttering your mind and silencing the negative noise, it becomes much easier to set clear financial goals. Whether it’s building an emergency fund, paying off debt, or investing in your future, having a clutter-free mind allows you to set actionable, realistic goals that align with your financial aspirations.

Positive Intelligence is not just about quieting your mind; it’s about unlocking the clarity and confidence you need to make meaningful changes in your life. With a clear mind, you can approach your financial goals with focus and determination, rather than fear and hesitation.

Take Control of Your Financial Future with Jayd Advisors

At Jayd Advisors, we believe that mental fitness is just as important as financial fitness. By taking steps to declutter your mind, you’re laying the groundwork for greater financial clarity, confidence, and success. If you're ready to take control of your financial future, we’re here to help.

Our team of experts can guide you through the process of decluttering your finances, organizing your wealth management, and creating a financial strategy that sets you up for long-term success. Let us help you craft your financial future with confidence.

Take the first step today by scheduling a complimentary clarity call—let’s work together to declutter your mind, your finances, and your path to financial freedom.